This is an attempt by an old dog to learn, for me, new tricks. I have observed that most, in fact practically all, of the blogs that used to exist about Saipan have vaporized or gone "private/underground" in the past year. While some bloggers have moved away from the island and one died, that doesn't account for the almost absolute silence in the blogosphere from Saipan, particularly when circumstances there are getting worse, not better. As an old, and still occasionally current, reporter, I have a passionate belief in the importance of reliable information in shaping voters' opinions and, sometimes, actions.
Like her, love her, lose her, loathe her--you've got to give the now turbo-charged (she's on oxygen) Ruth Tighe (or E H Gitlr as some old timers may remember) credit for continuing to make her views known year after year AND with her name on them. Others seems to fade if their anonymity is stripped away (funny it's never removed by choice) or if they have to deal with incessant, vitriolic criticism from supporters of whom or whatever they critique.
At this point, I'm just trying to see if I can work the simple online tools that have been provided to me. Believe me, it's more complicated than I thought. Finding my way back to the location where I can edit content is a continuing adventure for me, it's not as conceptually simple as the designers must believe.